Friday, 31 December 2010

FMP - Wanker

For this project I wanted to choose a subject that not only challenged my design capabilities, but challenged the way I think and the way I feel about the subject. I wanted a subject that when I researched and understood, it changed the way I think about the particular subject. It is hard for me to type this as its admitting that I, myself have been one of the ignorant people I want to take notice of my project. Tourettes was always something to take the mick out of. As a kid, another kid swearing uncontrolabley was incredibley funny and there was that such kid at my school. He was an outcast and although he had friends, they found it uncomfortable to be around him. I remember that he was a great kid, he was clever and he was a pretty funny guy, but his tourettes held him back from being, dare i say it, normal, and I was one of the people who exploited that for laughs. Im not proud of it, and its taken a lot of courage and balls for me to own up to this. But I want to take that now and create a project based around Tourettes and immerse myself in what its like to deal with the condition. I want my view to change, because I'm not proud of the view I had of the kid who shouted wanker every 5 minutes. I don't live with someone with tourettes, I dont really know or hang around with someone with tourettes, but to me this is a personal subject and a bit of a personal journey. I want this project to change me as a person, and hopefully change other peoples views aswell.

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